Cliff wilson

Cliff Wilson is a professional natural bodybuilder and one of the top physique coaches in the industry. He founded Team Wilson in 2010, using a combination of scientifically-proven methods and experience-driven techniques. As of 2019, the Team has amassed over 115 pro cards, 85 pro titles, and 13 world championships.
Cliff has coached competitors from six continents and over 20 countries. He works with both tested and untested athletes. His clientele ranges from first time-competitors to world-class professionals. His goal as a coach is simple - to help every athlete achieve their ultimate potential, regardless of their current level.
Cliff is also the published author of Bodybuilding: The Complete Contest Preparation Handbook and of numerous articles online and in print. He co-owns The Physique Summit, where he speaks annually. He has also spoken in Singapore, the UK, Greece, and across the US. To inquire about a speaking engagement, please contact: